Reduce anxiety with these 20 superfoods

'' Your mind is your prison when you focus on your fears ''

According to the National Institute of Mental Health ( NIMH ), approximately 40 millions adults aged between 18 and 54 are affected by anxiety disorders in the United States of America. Anxiety is a feeling of excessive nervousness or prolonged worry without an apparent reason.
In fact, everyone can experience anxiety as a response and as a strategy to cope with daily tasks and stressors. It is quite natural to be stressed out at work or before confronting something challenging such as delivering a speech, taking an exam, having an interview ...
However, this natural and normal occurrence of human life may turn to be an intense and a persistent feelings of helplessness and can lead to clinical depression. People with anxiety disorders carry their prisons with them and suffer from serious physical symptoms ( headaches, insomnia, chest pain, shortness of breath ... )
To relieve your body from its burden start looking for natural treatment you can take to fight and to get rid of anxiety. Begin with some anxiety helpers activities such as yoga and bike riding and avoid  fast food, refined sugar, caffeine and alcohol.
Changing your life style and choosing the right list of food is a smart step that can certainly have a positive effect on your body, brain and mood.

Reduce anxiety with these 20 superfoods