5 Healthy Detox Water Recipes

Over the course of the time, our bodies accumulate toxins which may cause serious health concerns. In order to banish and diminish these substances, we definitely need a natural process that would be an essential part of our healthy routine.

5 Healthy Detox Water Recipes

Scientifically, a detox water is a procedure effective to get rid of such dangerous poisons by converting them into water-soluble substances that can be exerted into urine. In fact, detox water is tremendous not only for over weighted people who seek to rid themselves of the unwanted extra pounds but also for anyone who is health-conscious enough and cares for his well-being. Detox water eliminates toxic trash, increases your energy levels, cleanses your liver and kidneys, provides you with a better blood circulation and boosts your immune system. This will improve your mental health as well as making you look and feel healthy.

Kick your detox process into high gear with these natural ingredients and recipes. However to get the expected results, involve yourself into a healthy life style by avoiding smoking, drinking too much coffee and alcohol and consuming saturated fats. Switch to a healthy diet along with some workouts such as yoga.

1. Lemon and Ginger Detox Water :

Lemon and ginger detox water is definitely a healthy beverage to add to your diet. Ginger supports your metabolism, works as an appetite suppressant and help burn more calories which prevents fat storage. Its anti-inflammatory properties strengthen your immune system and protect you from allergies and wide range of cancers. Lemon is rich in vitamin C which makes it counted as a super fat burner. Lemon works as a natural antioxidants helping to flush toxins away do easily and an anti-cancer warrior boosting your immune system.

Ingredients :
  • Water
  • Juice of half of a lemon
  • ½  inch of fresh ginger peeled and grated.

Directions : In a large glass of water or in a pitcher, at room temperature, add the lemon juice and  ginger and enjoy your fresh taste. 

2. Apple Cinnamon Detox Water : 

Apples fight obesity, help your body rid itself of toxins and harmful bacteria and provide you with bacteria balanced gut. Apples are very powerful to improve your immune system and to reduce risks of a series of diseases. As for the cinnamon, it regulates blood sugar, breaks down the cholesterol levels, aids in losing weight, suppresses appetite and give your metabolism a kick start. 

Ingredients :
  • Water
  • 1 Apple
  • 1 Cinnamon

Directions : Cut your apples into thin slices and drop them with cinnamon in the pitcher. You can add some ice cubes and enjoy your healthy drink.

3. Cucumber Lemon Detox Water : 

Cucumber lemon drink is obviously the best for your body requirement. These two natural healthful ingredients are very rich with valuable nutrients that will purify your system and keep you hydrated. This will also nourish your skin and make it look beautiful and naturally glowing.

Ingredients :
  • ½  lemon thinly sliced
  • ¼ cucumber cut into slices
  • Water

Directions : In a pitcher, add the lemon and cucumber slices to the water. Stir them together and enjoy the cooling drink after few minutes.

4. Green Detox Tea : 

Green tea is the world most popular and healthiest drink. Thanks to its beneficial substances and chemicals, green tea speeds up the fat burning process, elevates the metabolic rate, improves your brain functioning and makes you feel fresh and energetic. 

Ingredients :
  • Water
  • 1 green tea bag
  • 1 lemon slice
  • 1 tablespoon of honey ( optional )
Directions : In a saucepan, bring the water to boiling, rinse the green tea bag and leave it 2 to 3 minutes. Remove your green tea water into a mug and wait until it cools down. Add honey and the lemon slice and enjoy your tasty beverage. It is recommended to drink 3 to 4 cups of green tea on a daily basis.

5. Blueberry and Orange Detox : 

Fruits are packed with very rich amounts of beneficial nutrients that will radically change your diet. Oranges are packed with vitamin C and work as powerful antioxidants that transform your body into a fat burning machine to destroy and flash fat out of your body. Blueberries are loaded with a range of nutrients ( such as manganese and phytochemicals and fibre ) important to ensure a healthy heart and effective to suppress appetite and to avoid you from overeating. 

Ingredients :
2 Mandarin oranges finely cut into wedges.
1 cup of blueberries.

Directions : In a pitcher add water to orange slices and blueberries. Keep your drink in the fridge for 2 hours at least and then enjoy your delicious detox beverage.

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